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Reference Components

Component - Chart

import WidgetDisplay from 'src/pages/customPage/components/WidgetContent/WidgetDisplay'.

worksheetId: '', // worksheet id
value="" // chart id
type={1} // fixed value: 1

Component - Member selection

import 'dialogSelectUser'.

title: '', // title on the popup
showMoreInvite: false, // show more invitations or not
fromType: 4, // fixed 4
SelectUserSettings: {
filterAll: true, // filter all or not
filterFriend: true, // filter friends or not
filterOthers: true, // filter other collaborations or not
filterOtherProject: true, // filter other networks or not
filterAccountIds: [], // which users to be filtered
projectId: '', // organization number
unique: true, // single choice or not
callback: (users) => {}, // return the selected users

Component - Department selection

import DialogSelectGroups from 'src/components/dialogSelectDept'.

new DialogSelectGroups({
projectId: '', // organization number
isIncludeRoot: false, // include all or not
unique: true, // single selection or not
showCreateBtn: false, // show the Create Department button or not
selectFn: (departments) => {}, // return the selected departments

Component - Position selection

import DialogSelectJob from 'src/components/DialogSelectJob'.

new DialogSelectJob({
projectId: '', // organization number
onSave: jobs => {}, // return the selected positions

Create schedule

import 'createCalendar'.

Start: null, // end time String
End: null, // start time String
AllDay: false, // it is all day or not
MemberArray: [{
accountId: '', // user id
avatar: '', // user avatar
fullname: '', // user name
}], // members