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What's New

  • Configure to hide plugin modules (System Configuration > General)
  • Configure which application to access after a successful login (System Configuration > Log in & Sign up)
  • Google accounts for single sign-on(System Configuration > Log in & Sign up)
  • Enable reminders for new version releases (System Configuration > Platform Information)
  • Aggregate Table
  • Configure AI mode for AIGC nodes in workflows
  • Configuring Amap API Key
  • Sync with HAP SaaS v5.6.0


  • Frontend project React upgraded from 16 to 18 (Attention to frontend developers for secondary development)

Issues Fixing

  • Relationship fields in the worksheet are set as read-only through business rules, but some operations are still available.
  • Batch printing error in the worksheet in some cases.
  • For custom print template in the worksheet, subform sorting is not effective.
  • Error when resetting queue count in the workflow.
  • When importing applications to upgrade, worksheets that have been set to be hidden from the navigation still appear.
  • Sometimes download fails when exporting applications.
  • The number of records created is not recorded in the usage analysis.
  • When a sync task in data integration fails and is stopped, no error message is sent to the administrator.
  • When creating an account independently, there is no prompt for password format errors, phone number rules are not verified, and some foreign numbers are recognized incorrectly.
  • For member and department management, modifying a member's role is ineffective.
  • In some cases, images in rich text appear cracked after a period of time.
  • Watermark settings are not effective when taking photos in H5.