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Based on the Alibaba Cloud Bailian platform

Log in to Alibaba Cloud

Select the product Alibaba Cloud Model Studio.

Enable the service

Get the API-KEY

If haven't created an API-KEY yet, click Create my API-KEY to create a new one.

Configure AI models

  1. Create or modify the configuration file /data/hap/script/volume/workflow/, and add the following content:

    apiKey:Replace it with the API-KEY created above

    price:Take effect in HAP Application Platform Core only (fees deducted from organization's balance, can be self-priced)

    'model': 'QWen-Turbo', \
    'resource': '', \
    'deployment': 'qwen-turbo', \
    'apiVersion': '', \
    'apiKey': 'API-KEY', \
    'price': '0.006' \
    'model': 'QWen-Plus', \
    'resource': '', \
    'deployment': 'qwen-plus', \
    'apiVersion': '', \
    'apiKey': 'API-KEY', \
    'price': '0.012' \
    'model': 'QWen-Max', \
    'resource': '', \
    'deployment': 'qwen-max', \
    'apiVersion': '', \
    'apiKey': 'API-KEY', \
    'price': '0.12' \
    modelInterface display title, fully customizable
    deploymentModel name
    apiKeyReplace it with the API-KEY created above
    priceNon HAP platform version is invalid; HAP Platform version is valid (deducted from organizational balance, can be priced by oneself)
  2. Mount the configuration file and add the following configuration to the volumes of the app service:

    - ./volume/workflow/
    - ./volume/workflow/
    - ./volume/workflow/
    - ./volume/workflow/
  3. Restart the service