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Roles in Application

"_id":"ObjectID", // (Primary key)
"projectId": "string", // Organization number
"appId":"string", // Application ID
"isDefault":"string", // Whether it is a default role (an exclusive feature for external roles)
"name":"string", // Role name
"description":"string", // Role description
"roleTypeId":"int", // Role type. 0: cunstom role, 10: read only, 25: visitor (hidden in business), 50: member, 100: Admin
"roleCategoryId":"int", // Category. 0: internal user role, 10: external user role
"permissionWayId":"int", // Permission authorization mode (simple mode and custom mode). 0: custom permissions (assign different permissions to fields in the view), 20: view-only permissions for all records, 30: manage only your own records (can only view and manage your own records), 40: manage only your own records and those of your subordinates, 50: view all & manage your own records, 60: view all & manage your own records and those of your subordinates, 80: manage all records
"sortIndex":"int", // Displaying order of roles (the smaller they are, the higher they are)
"createdAccountId":"string", // Creator account ID
"createdTime":"DateTime", // Date created
"updatedAccountId":"string", // Modifier account ID
"updatedTime":"DateTime", // Date modified
"deleted":"bool", // Tombstone status
"accountId":"string", // Authorized account ID
"addedTime":"DateTime" // Time of adding authorization
"projectId":"string", // Authorized organization number
"addedTime":"DateTime", // Time of adding authorization
"projectId":"string", // Authorized department ID
"addedTime":"DateTime", // Time of adding authorization
"jobId":"string", // Authorized position ID
"addedTime":"DateTime", // Time of adding authorization
"sheetId":"string", // Worksheet ID
"canAdd":"bool", // Whether it can be added
"readLevelId":"int", // Level of viewng permission. 0: not authorized, 20: only my own, 30: my and subordinates', 100: all
"editLevelId":"int", // Level of editing permission. 0: not authorized, 20: only my own, 30: my and subordinates', 100: all
"removeLevelId":"int", // Level of deleting permission. 0: not authorized, 20: only my own, 30: my and subordinates', 100: all
"navigateHide":"bool", // Whether it is hidden from navigation
"pageIds":["string"], // Set of custom page ID
"navigateHidePageIds":["string"], // Set of ID hidden in the navigation bar on custom page

Set of ID hidden in the custom page navigation bar