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Grouping in Application

"_id":"ObjectID", // Application ID
"apName": "string", // Application name
"shortDescription":"string", // Short description (obsolete, deprecated)
"description":"string", // Description
"icon":"string", // Icon
"iconc":"string", // Icon color
"enabled":"bool", // Enabled or not
"isDel":"bool", // Deleted or not
"atype":"int", // Application type. 3: worksheet
"cfgs":[{ // Collection of application entity configuration items
"appcfgid": "string", // Guid
"dsName": "string", // Show name
"isNavigation": "bool", // Whether it is a navigation or not
"dsNo": "int", // Show sorting
"icon": "string", // Icon
"icc": "string", // Icon color
"wsType": "int", // Type. (0=worksheet, 1=custom page)
"wsid": "string", // Worksheet ID
"vtype": "int" // View type in worksheet (reserved field)
"caid":"string", // Creator account ID
"uaid":"string", // Account ID updated by
"ctime":"datetime", // Date created
"utime":"datetime", // Date updated