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Configuration of Controls in Worksheet

"cid":"string", // Control ID
"wsid":"string", // Worksheet ID
"name":"string", // Name
"type":"int", // Control type. Refer to enumeration
"attribute":"int", // Attribute. 1: Title
"enumdef":"int", // Subtype. Refer to the enumeration
"enumdef2":"int", // Subtype. Refer to the enumeration
"dtsrc":"string", // Source data. Refer to the description
"sourcecid":"string", // Source control ID
"unit":"string", // Unit
"Key":"string", // Unique key value
"Value":"string", // Text value
"IsDeleted":"bool", // Deleted or not
"Index":"int", // Sorting
"Color":"string", // Color value
}], // Option (Positioning information)
"noticeitem":"int", // Notification item (control of members). 0: no notification, 1: add notification
"userpermission":"int", // Permissions (control of members). 0: entry only, 1: member, 2: owner
"showcids":["string"], // ID list of fields displayed in the associated worksheet
"unique":"bool", // Unique value verification
"covercid":"string", // ID of cover control (single row association)
"defmen":["string"], // Default account ids, all in array, creator: user-self
"desc":"string", // Field description
"strdefault":"string", // General string field. Refer to description
"fieldpermission":"string", // Null or "111", the 1st digit represents whether can view; the 2nd digit represents whether can edit (read-only); the 3rd digit represents whether can add; 1: can, 0: cannot,
"key":"string", // Configuration key. Refer to the following description
"value":"string" // Value. Refer to the following description
}], // Advanced settings (dictionary<string,string> for configuring transfers)
"alias":"string", // Alias (for API)

Contol Type (type)

ControlEnum valueDescription
Text1Text (Deprecated)
Certificates7ID Number
Relation21Free Link
CheckRadio36Check items
FormulaDate38Formula (date)
ScanCode39Scan Code
RichText41Rich Text
Role44Application Role
Btn49Query Button
Search50API Query

DataSource Description(dtsrc)

ControlValue Description
BigAmountReferenced Field ID
RelationWorksheetAssociated Worksheet ID
RelationWSColumnAssociated Control ID
FormulaDateFormula ID or End Date Field ID
Select/CheckBox/RadioOption Set ID
EmbedURL or ID of Embedded Object
CodeReferenced Field ID

EnumDefault Description(enumdef)

TextAreaDefault single line is multi-lineMulti-lineSingle line
MobilePhoneInternational numbersNon-International
Score1-5 star1-10 level
IncreaseOriginal numberNumber of digits in format
SummaryRefer to enumeration
FormulaDateDurationAdd/subtract a dateTime between a date and today
AttachmentNew ones in frontOld ones in front
LocationNot show mapShow map
NumberShow thousandthsNot show thousandths
Select/CheckBox/RadioEnable score
OCRGeneral RecognitionID CardInvoice Recognition
CodeBarcodeQR code

EnumDefault2 Description (enumdef2)

ControlValue Description
TextArea0: No format validation, 1: Format validation
IncreaseDisplay digits
RelationWorksheetSingle digit for creation permission, ten digits for association permission. 1 for disable. 0: All allowed, 1: Disable addition, 10: Disable association, 11: Disable addition and association.
SummaryEnumeration value for the summary result. Refer to the control type
Radio/Select0 or null: Not enabled, 1:Enable Colorful
FormulaDate1: Ignore year of end date
Attachment0: No restriction, 1: Take photo, 2: Take video, 3: Take photo or video
LocationPositioning range. 0: No restriction, 1: Current location
Select/CheckBox/Radio1: Enable Colorful
UserSelect0: No restriction on the selection range, 1: Restriction on the selection range
CodeQR code data source. 1: Internal link, 2: External link, 3: Field value

StrDefault Description (strdefault)

ControlValue Description
TextAreaThe 1st digit indicates whether to disable album; the 2nd digit indicates whether to enable code scanning. "11": cannot select album, and enable code scanning
FormulaDateNull or 0: start at 0:00, end at 0:00; 1: start at 0:00, end at 24:00
RelationWorksheetThe 1st digit indicates whether to verify view and permission; the 2nd digit indicates whether to disable album; the 3rd digit indicates whether to allow only scan code to associate. "111": Verify permissions, disable albums, and scan code only
AttachmentThe 1st digit indicates whether to disable album; the 2nd digit indicates whether to allow only mobile input. "11": cannot select album, and can only input on mobile
ScanCodeThe 1st digit indicates whether to disable album; the 2nd digit indicates whether to allow only inputting on mobile. "11": can not select album, and can only input on mobile
Increaseincrease New auto-numbering
RelationWSColumnNull or 00: Redundant values, 10: Show only
LocationNull or 0: Locate position on map, 1: Get the current latitude and longitude (APP)

AdvancedSetting Description (adset)

keyValue Description (string)Control-Default
filtersAssociate filtersRelationship/Rollup
defsource[{"rcid":"Control ID in associated worksheet","cid":"Control ID","staticValue":"string"}]
hasdefWhether or not the field has a default value when it is hidden. 1: Yes, 0: No
getinputGet value before filling form. 1: In advance, 0: Not in advance
getsaveSubmit form directly after getting. 1: Submit directly, 0: Not submit directly
directionOptions arrangementSelection
dismanualManual input. Null or 0: Allow, 1: Disable
scantypeCode type. Null or 0, 1: only barcode, 2: only QR code
distanceDistance, 100/200/500, in metersPositioning
checkrangeNull or 0: No verification, 1: Verification
summaryresultSummary result. Null or 0: Value, 1: PercentageRollup
showtypeDisplay type. 1: Card, 2: List, 3: Dropdown box (tiled), 4: Dropdown tree, Null: Single-Card, Multiple-ListRelationship
showtypeDisplay type. 5:Year, 4:Year-Month, 3:Year-Month-Day, 2:Year-Month-Day-Hour, 1:Year-Month-Day-Hour-Minute, 6:Year-Month-Day-Hour-Minute-SecondDate
showtypeDisplay type. Null or 0: Checkbox, 1: Switch, 2: Yes/NoCheck items
showtypeDisplay type. Null or 0: Value, 1: Percentage, 2: ProgressNumeric
showtypeDisplay type. 0: Dropdown, 1: Tile, 2: ProgressChoice
showformatFormat of display. Null or 0: ISO, 1: China, 2: US, 3: EUDate
allowlinkAllow to view records. Null or 0: Not allow, 1: AllowRelationship/Embedded
allpathShow full path. Null or 0: Show last level, 1: Show full pathCascading
anylevelAllow to select any level. Null or 0: Select any level, 1: Select the last levelCascading
hideHide or not. 1: Hide, Null or 0: Not hide
ddsetConfigure the drop-down box to display the cover. 1: Configure, Null or 0: Not configureRelationship
dateformulatypeCalculation method. 1: Target date minus date of today, 2: Date of today minus target dateFormula
hidenegNot show negative values. 1: Not showFormula
increaseAutonumber configurationAutonumber
showxyShow latitude and longitude. 1: Show, Null or 0: Not showPositioning
allowweekAllowed combinations of days 1234567 of the weekDate
allowtimeAllowed interval 2:30-12:45 middle-splitDate
timeintervalPreset interval to N minutesDate
checktypeType of multi-select box. 0 or null: Tile, 1: DropdownSelection
allowaddAllow new options. 0: Not allowed, 1: AllowedSelection-0/Subform-1
allowcancelAllow cancelling. 0: Not allowed, 1: AllowedRelationship /Subform-1
alloweditAllow editing. 0: not allowed, 1: allowedSunform-1
userrangeUsers allowed to be selectedMembers
regexRegular expression {type="quick type on the left",regex="string",err="string"}Text
ocrmapOCR field mapping [{type="",name="",cid="",subId=""}] OCR
allowcountriesCountries allowed to be selected [{iso2="cn",name="China",dialCode:"+86"}]Telephone
commcountriesFrequently selected countries [{iso2="cn",name="China",dialCode:"+86"}] Telephone
defaultareaDefault area codeTelephone
suffixFormula suffixNumeric type
prefixFormula prefixNumeric type
searchcontrolAssociate search fieldsRelationship
searchtype0 or null: Fuzzy match, 1: Exact searchRelationship
clicksearch0 or null: Show directly, 1: Show data after searchRelationship
sorts[{controlId:"string",isAsc:bool (false: Descending, true: Ascending)}]Relationship/Sunform
weekdayWeekday 1234567Date formula
batchcids[""]Bulk add fieldsSubform
dynamicsrcDefault value for worksheet query []
defaultfuncDefault value of function
defaulttypeType of default value. Null or 0: Base default, 1: Function 2: Worksheet query
nullzeroWhen the formula is empty, calculated as 0. Null or 0: Not as 0, 1: As 0Formula
usertypeUser type. 1: Internal member, 2: External portalMembers-selection
watermarkAdd watermark ["user","time","address","xy"]File
maxcountMaximum numberFile
filetypeFile type {type:int,values:[""]}File
compressUpload compressed attachments. Null or 0: Not compressed, 1: CompressedFile
allowsingleAllow single additionSubform
numshowNull or 0: Normal display, 1: Show percentage, 2: Show progressNumeric type
thousandthNull or 0: Show thousandths, 1: Not show thousandthsNumeric type
itemiconIcon styleLevel
itemcolorColor {type:int(1: Fixed, 2: Dynamic), color:"#000",colors:[{key:"1",value:"#000"}]}Level/Numeric
itemnamesCustom text [{key:"1",value:"general"}]Level/Check items/Numeric
showvalueShow results. 0 or null: Not show, 1: ShowLevel
showinputShow input box0: Not show, 1: Show
faultrateError toleranceBarcode
analysislinkParse link. 1: Parse, Null or 0: Not parseText/Concat