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View in Worksheet

"name":"string", // View name
"status":"int", // Status. 1: Normal; 9: Deleted
"wsid":"string", // Worksheet ID
"unread":"bool", // Unread or not
"filters":[], // Filter items. Refer to the filtering parameters in the worksheet
"fastfilters":[], // Configuration for quick filtering
"navgroup":[{controlId:"",isAsc:bool,viewId:"string",filterType:"int"}], // Navigation filter
"sortcid":"string", // Default sorting field
"sorttype":"int", // 1: Descending, 2: Ascending
"controls":"[string]", // ID of hidde control
"displaycontrols":"[string]", // Fields to be displayed on the card
"showcontrols":"[string]", // Dispalyed fields
"controlssort":"[string]", // Displaying order
"layersname":"[string]", // Level name
"covercid":"string", // Card cover ID
"covertype":"int", // Card display. 0: Filled 1: Full display
"customdisplay":"bool", // Customize the card display or not
"viewtype":"int", // 0: List, 1: Board, 2: Org, 3: Gallery, 4: Calendar, 5: Gantt
"viewcontrol":"string", // Dimension control ID
"childtype":"int", // 0 or 1: Single-worksheet hierarchy, 2: Multi-worksheet hierarchy
}], // Multi-worksheet dimension control IDs
"showcn":"bool", // Show control name or not
"sorts":[], // Filter items. Refer to the filter parameters in the worksheet
"rowheight":int , // Row height
"caid":"string", // Creator account ID
"ctime":"datetime", // Date created
"key":"string", // Configuration key. More details are described below
"value":"string" // Value. More details are described below
}] // Advanced settings

Advanced Setting Description (adset)

keyValue Description (string)
hidenoneHide boards with no data. 1: Hide, 0 or null: Not hide
appshowtypeLayout 1, 2, 3 ...
abstractID of abstract control
showformatDisplay format of fields [{cid:xxxx,format:yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss}]
coverpositionCover position
checkradioidID of checkbox control
customdisplayCustomize displaying order or not
begindateID of the start control in Calendar view
enddateID of the end control in Calendar view
unlunarShow the lunar calendar or not. Null or 0: Show, 1: Not show
unweekdayNot displayed day of the week 1234567
coloridID of the color control
hidebtnHide the unavailable button. 1: hide, 0 or null: not hide
freezecolIDs of frozen columns
colwidthColumn width setting
hour24The 24-hour format. Null or 0: No, 1: Yes
sysidsDisplay of system fields
syssortDisplaying order of system fields
opencoverClick to view the cover. Null or 1: Allow, 2: Not allow
enablebtnQuery button. Null or 0: Disable, 1: Enable
clicksearchShow data after query. Null or 0: Show directly, 1: Show after query
milepostID of the milestone control
navgroupID of the grouping control
calendartypeCalendar type (defined by the front-end)
refreshtimeAuto refresh time for the view
calendarcidsDate control in the view [{begin:"ID of the start control",end:"ID of the end control",mark:"label"}]
weekbeginFirst day of every week 1234567
showallNull or 0: not show, 1: show all calendars
nousenavNull or 0: as default, 1: not as default