Environment Variable
The meanings of the environment variables used in the HAP Server container are as follows:
Environment Variable | Description |
ENV_SERVERID | Instance number. Each instance cannot be the same, starting from 1 (lite/standard clusters only) |
ENV_MINGDAO_PROTO | Protocol. Support setting http or https |
ENV_MINGDAO_HOST | Access address, such as hap.domain.com (if you want to use a domain name, please configure a proxy first) |
ENV_MINGDAO_PORT | Port, such as 80 |
ENV_MINGDAO_SUBPATH | Subpath, such as https://www.domain.com/hap , then set to /hap |
ENV_MINGDAO_INTRANET_ENDPOINT | The corresponding intranet address of ENV_MINGDAO_HOST:ENV_MINGDAO_PORT , such as , which needs to be configured in cluster mode |
ENV_MINGDAO_WORKWXAPI | WeCom API interface host. It defaults to https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com . If you are using the private deployment version of WeCom, you can modify this parameter |
ENV_MINGDAO_FEISHUAPI | FeiShu API interface host. It defaults to https://open.feishu.cn/open-apis . If you are using the private deployment version of FeiShu, you can modify this parameter |
ENV_DOCPREVIRE_ENDPOINTS | The address of the file preview service. It defaults to doc:8000 . If there are multiple instances in cluster mode, separate them with English commas |
ENV_WEB_ENDPOINTS | Web front-end site address (required in secondary development scenarios), such as, |
ENV_MONGODB_URI | MongoDB connection address, such as mongodb://,, |
ENV_MONGODB_OPTIONS | MongoDB uri parameters, starting with [?] |
ENV_MONGODB_CACHEGB | MongoDB's allowed maximum memory usage |
ENV_MYSQL_HOST | MySQL address, such as [VIP] |
ENV_MYSQL_PORT | The MySQL port. It defaults to 3306 |
ENV_MYSQL_USERNAME | MySQL username. It defaults to root |
ENV_MYSQL_PASSWORD | MySQL password. It can be empty and defaults to 123456 |
ENV_REDIS_HOST | [Redis master-slave or standalone mode] Redis address, e.g., [VIP] |
ENV_REDIS_PORT | [Redis master-slave or standalone mode] Redis port, default: 6379 |
ENV_REDIS_PASSWORD | [Redis master-slave or standalone mode] Redis password, can be empty, default: 123456 |
ENV_REDIS_MAXMEMORY | [Redis Standalone Mode] Maximum allowed memory usage, e.g. 5gb . If it is over that, use the LRU algorithm to clean it up. No limit by default |
ENV_REDIS_SENTINEL_ENDPOINTS | [Redis Sentinel mode] Sentinel addresses. If there are more than one, separate them with English commas. |
ENV_REDIS_SENTINEL_MASTER | [Redis Sentinel Mode] Master name |
ENV_REDIS_SENTINEL_PASSWORD | [Redis Sentinel Mode] Connection password |
ENV_KAFKA_ENDPOINTS | Kafka connection addresses, such as,, |
ENV_KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL | Kafka security protocol, supports Plaintext (default) and SaslPlaintext |
ENV_KAFKA_SASL_MECHANISM | Only used when ENV_KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL is SaslPlaintext , fixed value:PLAIN |
ENV_KAFKA_SASL_USERNAME | Only used when ENV_KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL is SaslPlaintext , Authentication username |
ENV_KAFKA_SASL_PASSWORD | Only used when ENV_KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL is SaslPlaintext , Authentication password |
ENV_ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINTS | Elasticsearch connection addresses, such as,, |
ENV_ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD | Elasticsearch connection authentication. It can be empty with the format of username:password |
ENV_FILE_ENDPOINTS | File storage service addresses, such as,,, |
ENV_FILECACHE_EXPIRE | Service of thumbnail cache, expired or not. It defaults to true |
ENV_FILE_DELETE_ENABLE_PHYSICAL | Is file physical deletion enabled? Default: false |
ENV_FILE_DELETE_BEFORE_DAYS | Only used when ENV_FILE_DELETE_ENABLE_PHYSICAL is true , How many days ago were files physically deleted, default: 7 |
ENV_FILE_DELETE_TASK_CRON | Only used when ENV_FILE_DELETE_ENABLE_PHYSICAL is true , Timed authentication execution time, default: 0 0 1 * * ? Every day at 1am |
ENV_FILE_UPLOAD_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES | Expiration time of token for file uploading, in minutes, default: 120 |
ENV_FILE_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES | Expiration time of token for file downloading, in minutes, default: 60 |
ENV_FLINK_URL | Flink connection address |
ENV_FRAME_OPTIONS | IFrame referencing policy. It supports ALLOWALL, SAMEORIGIN [default], DENY and ALLOW-FROM uri |
ENV_WEB_ENDPOINTS | Front-end service address. If there are more than one, separate them with English commas |
ENV_CDN_URI | CDN address, such as http://hapcdn.domain.com |
ENV_WORKFLOW_CONSUMER_THREADS | The consuming thread of the message queue in the workflow. It defaults to 3 |
ENV_WORKFLOW_ROUTER_CONSUMER_THREADS | The consuming thread of the slow message queue in the workflow. It defaults to 3 |
ENV_WORKFLOW_WEBHOOK_TIMEOUT | The timeout for the Webhook execution interface in the workflow, in seconds. It defaults to 10 |
ENV_WORKFLOW_COMMAND_TIMEOUT | The timeout for the execution of the code block in the workflow, in seconds. It defaults to 10 |
ENV_WORKFLOW_COMMAND_MAXMEMORY | The maximum memory for the code block execution in the workflow, in M. It defaults to 64 |
ENV_WORKFLOW_GRPC_TIMEOUT | The timeout duration for calling other service interfaces in the workflow service, default: 180, unit: seconds |
ENV_WORKFLOW_PARALLELISM_THREADS | The size of the parallel consumption thread pool in the workflow, in seconds. It defaults to 10 |
ENV_WORKFLOW_TRIGER_DELAY_SECONDS | The delay of the workflow triggered by the worksheet event, in seconds. It defaults to 5 |
ENV_WORKFLOW_IP_BLOCKLIST | Workflow sending custom requests, Data pipeline API calling external interfaces, IP blacklisting, if more than one, separated by English commas |
ENV_WORKSHEET_EXCEL_IMPORT_THREADS | Processing threads for importing Excel into worksheet, default: 3 |
ENV_WORKSHEET_REFRESH_ROWS_MINUTES | Calibration interval for data in worksheet, default: 120 |
ENV_WORKSHEET_CONSUMER_THREADS | Consumer threads of worksheet, default: 2 |
ENV_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MINUTES | Expiration time of session, in minutes, default: 10080 |
ENV_SESSION_DISABLE_REFRESH | Whether to automatically refresh the session's expiration time when active, default: ENV_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MINUTES |
ENV_SESSION_PORTAL_TIMEOUT_MINUTES | Expiration time of sessions in external portal, in minutes, default: 10080 |
ENV_WPS_CONVERT_APPID | WPS PDF Conversion Service appId |
ENV_WPS_CONVERT_APPSECRET | WPS PDF Conversion Service appSecret |
ENV_WPS_PREVIEW_APPID | WPS Document Editing Preview Service appId |
ENV_WPS_PREVIEW_APPSECRET | WPS Document Editing Preview Service appSecret |
ENV_OCR_SENDFILE | Whether to send files in base64 encoding. Default: false. Reads files via file address of HAP |
ENV_OCR_API_PROXY | Whether to enable forward proxy calls to the interface of OCR Service |
ENV_SOCKET_POLLING | Whether to use polling mode for socket connections, default: false (long connections) |
ENV_DISABLE_IPV6 | Whether to disable IPv6 port listening in Nginx within the container. Default: false |
ENV_INIT_SERVICE_WAITMS | The time, in milliseconds, to wait for the storage component to be ready during container startup. Default: 120000 |
ENV_FLINK_S3_BUCKET | Defines the S3 bucket used by the datapipeline service. Default: mdoc. If the default bucket used by Flink is changed, this variable should also be updated accordingly. |