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Upgrade Manager

It is not necessary to upgrade the manager if not explicitly requested
  1. Stop the service. Execute the command bash . / stopall in the root directory of manager (it will output stopped if successful).

  2. Clean up the files associated with HAP service and manager:

    • Backup and remove the data and files related to the original microservice application, such as mv /data/hap/ /backup/hapbak20200320/. The target location can be customized. This step is of high risk, so make sure it is done correctly.

    • In the root directory of manager, execute rm -rf . /* (This operation is not allowed if the manager is not stored in a separate folder).

  3. Reinstall. More details in quick installation (just complete 3~7 steps).

  4. Stop the service. Execute the command bash . / stopall(it will output stopped if successful).

  5. Execute the command rm -rf /data/hap/script/volume/data/* to clean up the data generated by the reinstallation, and restore the data previously backed up, such as cp -r /backup/hapbak20200320/script/volume/data/* /data/hap/script/volume/data/.

  6. Compare /data/hap/script/docker-compose.yaml with /backup/hapbak20200320/script/docker-compose.yaml in the backup directory, and adjust it manually if there are additional custom configuration items.

  7. Restart the service. Execute the command bash . / startall and wait for it to complete.