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Same-server Deployment of Data Integration Service

  1. Download the mirror of the new version

    docker pull nocoly/hap-flink:version number
  2. Enter the hap-flink container.

    docker exec -it $(docker ps | grep flink | awk '{print $1}') bash
  3. Backup and delete the zookeeper directory in the Flink data directory and empty the Job list in Flink in the old version.

    mv /data/flink/zookeeper /data/flink/zookeeper.backup-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
  4. Modify the version number of the mirror corresponding to the hap-flink service in the docker-compose.yaml file.

    image: nocoly/hap-flink:version number
  5. Execute bash . / restartall in the root directory of the manager to restart the service and wait for it to complete execution.

  6. Go to [Integrate] > [Data Integration] > [Sync Task] to to re-open or publish the task.